Galaxy Family Travellers

Galaxy Family Travelers

This project began as a personal experiment in 3D and ended up including video, compositing, and an impromptu family photo shoot.
"As soon as I heard we could afford a spacecraft with weekend interstellar reach, I knew we had to try it."
– Dad
The kids love when we do doughnuts.


Galaxy Family Travellers
Galaxy Family Travellers

Galaxy Family Travellers


Tilt Beam / Recharagble Light

Tilt Beam / Rechargable Wood Light

Tilt Beam is a solid block of white oak turned into a solar rechargeable light. A sunny day charges a super capacitor that never needs to be replaced…at least, probably not in your lifetime. Tilting the block over turns an LED light on. Tilt it back up to turn it off. A charge provides around 30 minutes of light.


Tilt Beam / Recharagble Light
Tilt the block of wood over and the light turns on.


Tilt Beam / Recharagble Light Being Assembled
I sawed a thin piece off the top of the wood, then lasercut a perfect rectangle for the solar panels. This allowed me to sloppily chisel out a hole in the center of a solid block of white oak for the circuitry.


Tilt Beam / Recharagble Light Circuit Diagram
A mercury tilt switch detects the angle of the light and turns it on. A .9-5V boost converter provides a steady 5V current off the super capacitor which can be drained to .9V.
Tilt Beam / Recharagble Light Circuitry
Hot glue is used over all exposed metal to protect the circuits.
Tilt Beam / Recharagble Light Gluing
Clamp and glue the top on making sure to align the wood grain. The open cavities get filled with resin to form a solid block. The resin bled to the surface through the pores in the wood to make it even stronger. Sand and finish with wood butter.



Tilt Beam Public Art - about sheet
Tilt Beam as public art

Tilt Beam Public Art - sample execution


Personalized Laser Etched Cheese Boards



Before spoon butter was rubbed into the wood.


After spoon butter was applied.



Toothpaste BEAM Pummer

Toothpaste BEAM Pummer

I used the cap of a toothpaste bottle on the bottom of my pummer as a stand. This pummer has two LEDs that charge during the day and pulse into the night. The circuit uses a 2.5 volt 10 Farad super capacitor for power, which should have a longer lifespan than a battery. My old pummers continue to tirelessly operate after almost a decade.

Here's a link to a PDF we worked with Make magazine on if you're interested in learning more or building one: Pummers Dude! (PDF)

Toothpaste BEAM Pummer


Italian book on Solar Design

Published in Design Solare


Our BEAM robotic creations were featured in an Italian book about solar design and applications. These little robots have been published in books and magazines from five different countries now. Unfortunately, our whole collection was lost in the mail. If anybody sees one in the wild let us know.


Design Solare


Design Solare


Ordinarily Extraordinary Ideas Giclee Prints


Ordinarily Extraordinary Ideas are visionary and some have already begun to be realized. Some are simple and some are extraordinary. After all, it’s the thought that counts.


002 Run Off Energy - Ordinarily Extraordinary Ideas

002 Evaporating Balloons - Ordinarily Extraordinary Ideas


BEAM Single and Dual Engine Vibrobot


BEAM Vibrobots use pager motors to move. I used what's known as a BEAM "solar engine" (Type 1 "FLED" variety), pager motors, solar cells, paperclips, and some heat shrink to build a couple of Vibrobots this weekend.


BEAM Dual and Single Vibrobot


Miniature Compass Necklace


Remove the cork and pin. Fill the necklace with water and put the cork in. The metal is magnetized and should point toward the center/top of the necklace.

May she never lose her way home.


Miniature Compass Necklace

Miniature Compass Necklace

Miniature Compass Necklace

Miniature Compass Necklace


Beautiful/Decay : Future Perfect

We've just received our copy of Beautiful/Decay's latest book whose theme is "Future Perfect". Of course we like the future and are excited to have a couple of our Noetical Succession photos included in the book.

Cloud Air Pattern

Free Download - Cloud and Wind Repeating Pattern


The following pattern was inspired by work in our Ordinarily Extraordinary poster series. Download the free repeatable pattern below.

Download it here: Cloud Air Pattern EPS


Cloud Air Pattern

Pecha Kucha Night Poster Design

Poster for Pecha Kucha Night Chicago Volume 12. More info at


Pecha Kucha Night Chicago 12

Kim and Zach at Poptech's Creative Reuse Workshop

We had the opportunity to participate in Poptech's Creative Reuse Workshop last week. First of all, we'd like to thank Poptech, Make Magazine and Ebay Green Team for helping to bring everything together. We were able to get makers of all ages together to build their own BEAM vibe robots. The turnout was fantastic and Kim and I were impressed with the creative output.

Poptech Creative Reuse Workshop

Poptech Creative Reuse Workshop

Poptech Creative Reuse Workshop



Transmission is a series of prints based on a tower that can amplify thought energy to be used as a power source.


transmission - oceanic





transmission - 1x7_beamed

transmission - 1x7_expanse

transmission - 1x7_unity

The Crane Operators


Late in 2001, one of our first collaborations was born. The Crane Operators remains an unfinished online comic book. The project allowed us to bring costumes, photography, 3D, and storytelling together for a unique online experience.

 The Crane Operators

The Crane Operators - Badger


The Crane Operators




























The Crane Operators










The Crane Operators - Calypso