Italian book on Solar Design

Published in Design Solare


Our BEAM robotic creations were featured in an Italian book about solar design and applications. These little robots have been published in books and magazines from five different countries now. Unfortunately, our whole collection was lost in the mail. If anybody sees one in the wild let us know.


Design Solare


Design Solare


amusment magic

Amusement Magazine


Zach and I had a brief interview with regards to our work and the BEAM bots in the spring issue of Amusement.  A French publication, Amusement is a gaming and technology mag with the styling of a fashion publication.


Amusement Magazine

Amusement Magazine


Best of Make Magazine


About a year ago, Make magazine did an article about our BEAM robots which have appeared again in their book The Best of Make which is available now at  That's our bot in the bottom left corner of the cover.  The book has 75 of their best DIY projects from their first 10 issues.


les robots

Les Robots


Les Robots :  Du Plus Simple au Plus Sensationnel

Our "Helioforms" (BEAM robots) is pictured in a new book for children.  The book about robots is a French Canadian release from the Editions Scholastic publisher.  Another great connection made through Flickr as they found us there and approached us about including out little bots in the book.  Should you have a geeky, french speaking young friend, it's a very nicely put together, comprehensive introduction to robots.


Les Robots

Les Robots