Ruth Bunny Ginsburg
In honor of Women's History Month, I present Ruth Bunny Ginsburg! Happy Birthday Justice Ginsburg.
Galaxy Family Travelers
The kids love when we do doughnuts.
CROP T-shirt Design
Not to be confused with a cropped T-shirt. I've just finished designing and printing shirts for the Little Traverse CROP Hunger Walk coming up this June.
Tilt Beam / Rechargable Wood Light
Tilt Beam is a solid block of white oak turned into a solar rechargeable light. A sunny day charges a super capacitor that never needs to be replaced…at least, probably not in your lifetime. Tilting the block over turns an LED light on. Tilt it back up to turn it off. A charge provides around 30 minutes of light.
Published in Design Solare
Our BEAM robotic creations were featured in an Italian book about solar design and applications. These little robots have been published in books and magazines from five different countries now. Unfortunately, our whole collection was lost in the mail. If anybody sees one in the wild let us know.
Ordinarily Extraordinary Ideas Giclee Prints
Ordinarily Extraordinary Ideas are visionary and some have already begun to be realized. Some are simple and some are extraordinary. After all, it’s the thought that counts.